Friday, September 26, 2014


 (Dear readers, this is meant to be an encouraging and humorous site, please read with that in mind!:))

Hello!  Thank you so much for visiting my site!  My name is Pumpkin.  Yes, I know ridiculous name isn't it? Well, when I was adopted I was quite round and orange, so you get the idea..... 
I need to tell you, I have never had a blog before so please bear with me.  Before we get into all the fitness stuff I would like to take a minute to tell you a little about myself!
 I am an 9 year old female miniature horse.  Being that I am a female, I am called a 'mare', a 'fixed' male horse is a 'gelding', and an un-fixed male is called a 'stallion' or 'stud', hence the term 'What a stud!'.  Anyway, I've diverted.  I was born in Pennsylvania Amish country and my life was pretty rough, nothing like it is now, and then my owners decided they didn't have a need for me.  I guess I was not quite small enough to be a 'proper' miniature horse and not quite big enough to be a 'useful' pony.  And I have a defect.  I might as well just get it out there in the open... I am blind in my left eye.  When I was young, something happened, I haven't been able to talk about it quite yet.....but the incident left me with a scarred, shrunken eyeball which I cannot see out of. Yes, at times I am self conscious about it and I have felt unworthy in my past but the folks here at Hope Hill have helped me accept myself for how I am.  Oh, here I am getting ahead of myself again.  So, a girl named Kaitlin bought me from that Amish farm and gave me a loving home with her Thoroughbred Jake( hubba hubba!).  I lived with them for a couple of months but then she had to relocate and was looking for a home for me, I  get it, I'm not a very 'useful' horse to have to pay $300/month board for.  This worked out well for me in the long run because she gave me to Hope Hill Ministry where I now live and will live out the rest of my days! Funny, how looking back on our lives, what have seemed like the worst times have often led to so much good! 
Anyway, when I was given to Hope Hill is 2009, I actually had something else going on at the time.... Do you remember how I said I was round and orange?  I was very round and when I arrived at Hope Hill and Keely started feeding me a bit less.  She soon noticed that I continued to get rounder and asked Kaitlin if I had been out with any studs....Duh!!!! I was pregnant.  Once Keely realized this, she started feeding me more and gave me supplements to nourish my growing baby.  Keely would watch me everyday to try to tell if I was in labor but unfortunately I didn't have many signs and I went into labor when she was gone all day.  It was terrible!  I started getting tremendous pains throughout my abdomen and I somehow knew I should push and I did- a lot and my baby just wouldn't come out!  Finally, when Keely got home she called the vet and he had to pull my baby out, who had died of asphyxiation.  I am sad about that but I am glad I am still alive, I would have died as well if the vet did not come that night.
In my short life,  I have had realizations and healing and that is what I want to share on my blog- I hope you will join me on this adventure of healing, hope, humor, and health!


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